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In 2018, Fe(m)stival deals with the theme of Private Body/Public Body. 

Through gaze, action and discussion we will run the range between the private space and the public space in which the body exists: the body made present by the choreographers on stage, the woman performing with awareness and consciousness of her body while inviting the outside gaze. The female body, that of the woman performing and that of the woman who is not performing, is an arena which is both private and public. Sometimes, the body is transferred from the private sphere to the public and sometimes the body is diminished to the private space or pushed into the sidelines. Sometimes, the body wants to be seen and sometimes it asks to close itself away. The festival allows an inviting space in which women, whether performing or not, can observe their bodies in a variety of spaces in an attempt to contain all of the possibilities at once. 

Fe(m)stival 2018, which took place at the Kelim Choreography Center in Bat Yam, is first and foremost a local event, which invites women and girls from Bat Yam to participate in the festival as artists, performers, audience members and participants in discussions. As part of the festival, residents of Bat Yam performed “Women’s Poetry” led by Anat Drimmer, a spoken-word artist and poet. The performance took place in the courtyard and was open to audiences free of charge. This performance was created as part of “Fest Factory” Bat Yam, which began with a residency project led by previous Artistic Director of Fastfactory, Amitay Yaish Benuosilio. 

Premieres: HaBregada HaTarbutit with an evening new, immigrant feminist perspective. Participants: Alex Rif, Maya Zax, Yael Chetz and Rita Kogan. Curation: Alex Rif. Ayala Frenkel (Pangea). Cluster of Solos: Ortal Atsbaha (Ritual ’88), Shani Bar Dimri (Fitna), Laura Kirshenbaum (WORD!) and Noa Atar (Hitnachashut). 


Performances: Galit Liss (GO!, an ensemble performance for elderly women). Orly Portal (The Rite of Spring of Farid El-Atrache, for four female dancers. Portal’s creation presents contemporary interpretations of ancient traditions and combines elements from various fields such as belly dance and contemporary and modern dance). Hana Vazana Grunwald (MATERNITY- Abduction of Yemenite and Balkan Children, The Mothers’ Stories. Vazana is a director who deals, in her work, with social, feminist and Mizrahi issues.) The dance film Carriage by Ori Lenkinski and Rachel Erdos, which was screened in the courtyard. Catering: Orly Almi. 


This year, the Fe(m)stival was produced by the Kelim Choreography Center in Bat Yam with the support of a generously supported Headstart campaign. 

Artistic Direction: Ayala Frenkel, Direction Committee and Administrative Management: Tamar Feldman Ben Hanan, Anat Danieli. Production: Morahn Bash. Graphic Design: Mikhal Bellahsen. Public Relations: Moran Paz. Marketing: Hadas-Ester Antman. Light Design: Rotem Elroy, Ofer Laufer, Amir Castro.

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